Friday 5 June 2009

Search is ON ... New Launches

Will you Bing it or Google it?

Can’t Google it? Microsoft will help you Bing it.  The world’s biggest software company Microsoft launch its new search engine Bing on June 3, and prepares to compete more effectively with Google. “Will you bing it ar Google it?” that’s the big question the Microsoft will be asking over one billion internet search users across the world.

While Google invented the advertising-based search model, which produces most popular items for each query, Microsoft is aiming to change the game by calling Bing a ‘decision engine’ , which will offer more insights to users for helping them take decisions, and not necessarily throw the most popular and relevant items. More


Google launches search tool 'Google Squared'

Google rolled out an experimental new search product on Wednesday called “Google Squared”. Google Squared does not provide a list of links to Web pages, like with a traditional Google search, but presents information derived from a query in a spreadsheet-like grid called a "square."

Users of can then build, modify and refine their "square" through further web searches.

"Unlike a normal search engine, Google Squared doesn't find webpages about your topic -- instead, it automatically fetches and organizes facts from across the Internet," Google said in a preview of the product last month. More


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